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Medication Management

Medication Management at SUN Behavioral Health Delaware

At SUN Behavioral Health Delaware, we know how valuable your medication is. For many in their healing journeys, medication can mean the difference between relapse and recovery. For those who are living with a mental health disorder, medication is the difference between functioning and not functioning. 

We also know how difficult it can be to keep track of your doses, especially when you’re taking multiple medications at once. 

Medication is highly effective in many cases, but the doses need to be taken on time every day. It’s also important that none of your medications interfere with one another, and that your prescriptions are working for your needs. 

During your mental health journey, your medications often change. Sometimes, one medication works and another does not, or different providers prescribe medications for your specific goals. This can create a situation where your medications are not working as they should and you’re not feeling like you should. That’s why, at SUN Delaware, we offer medication management.

How Can Medication Help Me?

Medication might be recommended at any point during your healing journey. Usually, a treatment provider will recommend medication if you’re experiencing either mental distress or difficulty with alcohol or other substances. The goal of medication is not to “heal” you. Medication is used as a tool to get you into a place where you can focus on healing. 

Individuals will often experience a lifetime of trauma and mental anguish before seeking treatment for substance abuse or other mental illnesses. Medication might be needed to help get anxiety or depression under control so you can focus on working through those traumas. 

Medication for mental health can help by:

  • Diminishing the frequency and severity of panic attacks
  • Clearing the mind and reducing rumination 
  • Calming the effects of anxiety on the body and nervous system
  • Promoting healthier sleep patterns
  • Influencing chemicals in the brain to regulate emotions
  • Reducing physical symptoms of anxiety, depression, or bipolar

Medication for substance use disorders can help by:

  • Reducing cravings for opioids or alcohol 
  • Preventing instances of relapse
  • Preventing overdose 
  • Reducing withdrawal symptoms associated with alcohol or opioid detox 
  • Stabilizing the body so the mind can work through trauma
  • Stabilizing the mind so the body can focus on healing 
  • Preventing future opioid or alcohol use
  • Causing the body to reject alcohol or other substances 

If you’re experiencing symptoms related to a mental illness, or if you’re having a hard time with alcohol or opioid cessation, medication might be a great option for you. 

How Long Will I Be On Medication?

The length of time you’ll be prescribed medication is up to you and your prescribing physician. Medication may only be needed during times of severe stress or substance withdrawal. Oftentimes, long-term medication prescriptions are used for mental and physical health maintenance. Medications for withdrawal symptoms are usually taken for a short period until the symptoms diminish. On occasion, medications like Suboxone will be prescribed for longer than the initial withdrawal period for long-term maintenance.

Medication Management
Medication Management

How Many Medications Will Be Prescribed to Me?

The number of medications you might be taking depends on your needs. It’s also important to keep in mind that some medications work better when they’re combined with others. It’s fairly normal to be taking multiple medications at once. The important thing is that you take these medications on time and while following your doctor’s instructions.


What Are the Benefits of Medication Management?

When doses are skipped or forgotten, medications cease to be as effective. It can become dangerous to take doses higher than prescribed, especially when you’re taking medications like Suboxone for opioid use disorder (OUD).

Realistically, receiving a prescription does not mean you’ll automatically start feeling better. Your doctor may choose to adjust your dose over time, change your medication, or even change your treatment plan. In order to do this, your doctor needs to be able to monitor your progress and frequently check in with you. Building a trusting relationship with your prescribing physician is going to accelerate your healing process. 

Medication management is part of a comprehensive, outpatient treatment program. Should you elect medication management, you’re choosing to receive additional guidance in this area. It’s an extra assurance that your medications will work for you. 

Here are some of the things you can expect from SUN Behavioral Delaware’s medication management program:

  • A compassionate team of clinicians is assigned to monitor the symptoms, side effects, and progress of your current medications
  • Close involvement in your healing journey
  • Added accountability when it comes to taking your medications in the right doses at the right time
  • A knowledgeable, qualified staff who can guide you on your medications, their benefits, and side effects
  • A team of people rooting for your recovery
  • Ideas and advice on how to make sure you’re getting the most out of your medications
  • Knowledge of why your current medication might not be working, and how to fix it 

What Are Some Common Medications Used in a Medication Management Program?

At SUN Behavioral Health Delaware, our group of experienced and qualified physicians will assess your unique needs before prescribing you any medications. They will also review any medications you’re currently taking before prescribing you anything new. 

You’ll be involved every step of the way – we won’t start or stop medications without your knowledge. Our physicians may suggest any number of medications.  If you’re uncomfortable with any suggested medications, let us know. 

Here are some medications commonly prescribed for mood disorders like anxiety, depression, or bipolar:

  • SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) – Examples of SSRIs include escitalopram, fluoxetine, sertraline, and vortioxetine.
  • Benzodiazepines – Examples of benzodiazepines include alprazolam, diazepam, and lorazepam.
  • SNRIs (serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors)  – Examples of SNRIs include duloxetine and venlafaxine.

Some medications that might be prescribed for OUD, AUD, or SUD include:

  • Suboxone – A partial opioid agonist, works to block the effects of other opioids while easing the symptoms of withdrawal
  • Vivitrol – An opioid antagonist designed to block the euphoric effects of opioids or alcohol
  • Antabuse – Designed to make the patient feel unwell if they drink alcohol
  • Benzodiazepines – Used to diminish physical and emotional symptoms of withdrawal

When you receive a recommendation for a new medication, your doctor will talk to you about any side effects, risks, and benefits associated with taking it. 

Our mission at SUN Behavioral Health Delaware is to solve unmet needs. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your medication or mental health treatment. Call 302-604-5600 or schedule a no-cost telehealth consultation today! 

FAQs About Medication Management

Why is medication management important?

Medication management will help improve your accountability while stabilizing your recovery. It also works to give you insight into the medications you’re taking, what their side effects are, and whether or not they’re working for you. 

Is it more efficient to have a loved one help with medication management?

Any time a loved one is willing to help, it’s a positive thing. That being said, when a care team is handling the management of your medication, your likelihood of positive results and long-term recovery increases.

What can patients who are not experiencing the medication’s desired outcomes do?

Patients can either enter a medication management program to work with a care team on this issue, or they can communicate with their primary care provider. Patients should never increase, decrease, or stop their medication without medical approval.

Medication Management In Delaware

The capable team at SUN Delaware has been serving our community for years. Reach out to begin your journey to recovery.

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SUN Behavioral Delaware

21655 Biden Ave
Georgetown, DE, 19947

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