You were a top student in school, a good kid until everything changed. You became injured in a sports event and were prescribed pain medication, but the pain never disappeared.
Eventually, you realized that you could get heroin easier and cheaper. Before you knew it, heroin had taken over everything in your life. You are stealing and lying just to get heroin again. Even when you tell yourself that you will stop, it is never enough to keep you from returning a few hours later.
According to the Delaware Division of Forensic Science, there have been 276 opioid-related deaths as of July 20, 2023. Returning to heroin, again and again, might have left you with few immediate resources to seek help. You might have sold your car for heroin, or maybe you are waiting on your next paycheck when you decide to get help. The good news is that at SUN Delaware, we offer care assessments at no cost, and if you don’t have a way to get to our facility, they can be done remotely.
We recognize that treatment can look different for every person, but the result is empowering for every unique individual we’ve come across. By offering several treatment options, you will be able to take your life back from heroin and live a life that is full of strength and resilience. At SUN Delaware, you can come to our facility during the day and return home at night. The time needed for treatment is typically 30-90 days, and how long you will be at our facility during the day depends on the level of care needed. Our facility accepts private pay, commercial, Medicare, and Medicaid insurance.
One of the first steps in a successful recovery from heroin is to stop your use of heroin under the observation of a physician or other medical professional. This is because while withdrawal symptoms are not usually life-threatening, there are symptoms that should be monitored for your safety. Mostly, symptoms will start 12 hours after your last dosage and peak in intensity after 3 days. At SUN Delaware, we can monitor your symptoms and provide you with tools that can be used to make the symptoms easier to manage. Symptoms you might experience include:
During partial hospitalization (PHP), you will be at our facility participating in 5 group sessions daily, 5 days a week. During this time you will meet with psychiatrists who will manage the medications you are prescribed for your treatment. You will also focus on skills and techniques from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), coping skills, and wellness recovery action plans (WRAP). CBT helps you understand your thought processes and how to change them. WRAP teaches people wellness techniques that prevent relapse.
At SUN Delaware, you will attend 3 group sessions a day for 5 days a week. This level of care is less intensive than PHP but more intensive than traditional outpatient programs. You will work through any current concerns in your life and participate in CBT and WRAP therapies. We also offer an evening intensive outpatient option on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 6 PM to 9 PM for those unable to attend treatment during the day. This option is available to those who are older than 18 years old. Our evening program accepts Medicaid from Delaware and Maryland and Medicare, as well as commercial, military, and veteran plans.
At SUN Delaware, you can expect to be able to maintain your life outside of treatment. Some other things you can expect at SUN Delaware include
Heroin is 100% illegal. It is a synthetic substance that is not monitored or managed by anyone. It comes from morphine and is twice as strong as morphine. It is known to be illegally and unknowingly combined with fentanyl making it easier to overdose. It can be found as a white or brown powder and sometimes as a black sticky substance known as black tar. People who use heroin will sniff, inject, smoke, or snort it. It impacts breathing, sleeping, and heart rate. People who use it might experience symptoms such as abscesses, infections, dry mouth, severe itching, and clouded mental functioning.
Many factors can cause a heroin use disorder. One factor is genetics, but this is not always the case. It can also be caused by having friends who use heroin or growing up around people using heroin such as parents or older siblings. It might also be caused by lower education or lower income. Another cause is depression or anxiety unrelated to heroin use. Another potential cause might be unresolved past traumas. These traumas could be from your childhood or adult life. All is not lost if you develop a heroin use disorder. Recovery is always still possible.
It can be difficult to admit that you need help, especially regarding heroin use. There are, however, some ways to know if you need treatment. One of the biggest signs you need heroin treatment is if it is always on your mind. If every moment of your life is focused on getting and using heroin, it might be time to consider treatment.
You might also tend to distance yourself from those you love. You don’t want to hurt them, but heroin might feel stronger than you. There is still an inner strength inside you that can defeat the pull heroin has on you. You might have also noticed that your friend group has changed throughout your time with heroin.
If you have lied to those you love or even stolen from them concerning your heroin use, it is time to seek help. Also, if you have experienced legal trouble due to heroin, which is 100% illegal, there can be several other reasons to seek help for heroin use. It could be as simple as wanting to better yourself and your future. Or perhaps you are ready to break the constant cycle of saying you will leave heroin behind only to return to it hours later. It is entirely possible to break that cycle.
A heroin use disorder includes intense cravings. A person with a heroin addiction might steal or lie to get or hide their heroin use. They might start to spend time with other people who are using heroin. Experiencing withdrawal symptoms such as fatigue or agitation when they haven’t had heroin in a few hours might also be a sign.
When your loved one is addicted to heroin, you might feel like you don’t know what to do. You will feel several emotions yourself, and those emotions are valid. However, the best thing to do is converse with your loved one. Treat them as a person first, and don’t label them as a condition. They might not immediately be receptive to getting help because it can be difficult for someone to admit that they need help. If it comes to a point where they won’t get help, you should find a way that you can safely distance yourself from them.
Heroin dependence can cause strokes, headaches, seizures, and comas. People who continue to use heroin might experience restlessness, irritability, paranoia, and vertigo.
SUN Delaware is in Georgetown, DE. We offer crisis care with 24-hour admittance, allowing you to get started on your care when an emergency happens. You don’t have to wait for the “right time” because the right time might never happen. We strive to meet our community's unmet needs no matter the time of day. For more information on heroin use treatment call us today at 302-604-5600.