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Signs of Depression: An In-Depth Look At Identifying When Someone You Love Needs Treatment

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“A big part of depression is feeling really lonely, even if you’re in a room full of a million people.” 

- Lilly Singh

In 2022, 19.9% of adults in Delaware were diagnosed with depression. This condition looks different for everyone who has it, with some even seeming like they have their lives put together. At SUN Behavioral Health Delaware, we know that even if someone appears to be functioning to those they love and care about, they might not be. This is why we like to help the loved ones of our patients learn the signs of depression so they know what to look for. Today, we will discuss a few of these signs in more depth.

Why Is Understanding the Signs of Depression Important?

Knowing and understanding the signs of depression allows you to know what to look for when it comes to your loved ones’ mental health. People with depression don’t always inform those they care about, and many times, they might appear to be functioning. This is known as high-functioning depression, but this terminology is not entirely accurate. Just because your loved one might seem happy and able to accomplish their tasks and responsibilities doesn’t mean they are. 

There are many reasons why your loved one might not reach out to you on their own. They might feel like they are a burden to those they care about. Another reason might be that they think others will reject them or not respond with understanding or kindness. In other cases, your loved one might not have the energy or motivation to reach out to someone. Knowing what to look for lets you know when to reach out to them instead.

Recognizing When Someone Has a Hopeless Outlook

Someone who is experiencing a hopeless outlook as associated with their depression has lost their desires and expectations that good things will happen in their future. People often believe that their life circumstances will never improve and that they will forever be stuck in the current situations they have found themselves in. Common emotions associated with hopelessness include despair, sadness, helplessness, and feeling empty but unable to explain why.

If someone you love has a hopeless outlook, it might be less noticeable, as they might try to hide this symptom from those they care about. They will likely not tell you they are experiencing this, but it may appear subtly in conversations with them. For example, they might compare their lives to other people’s and see their own as worse. They might also say things like “Something bad is going to happen” or “I’ll never achieve my dreams.”

What’s the Difference Between Loss of Interest and Loss of Concentration?

Loss of interest and loss of concentration are two other common signs of depression. They may sound similar, but there are ways to tell them apart.

Loss of interest pertains to things that your loved one usually enjoys.  For example, you might notice they aren’t participating in hobbies or activities they were once invested in. Instead, they might choose to isolate themselves and have little motivation. Even if they attempt to participate in things that once brought them joy, they no longer find any pleasure in them. It can come with additional symptoms such as feeling unhappy, feeling numb, increased fatigue, or changes in appetite.

Depression can also significantly impact cognitive functioning, which is where changes in concentration stem from. Your loved one might question if they ate anything that day or have to work harder to keep their concentration focused on a specific task. In addition, they might have impairments in making decisions, processing information, adapting goals to changing situations, and accomplishing all the steps necessary to complete a task.

How Depression Can Change a Loved One’s Personality

Your loved ones might appear different than they were before they developed depression. These changes don’t happen overnight, but if you take a moment to think about it, you might realize how different they are than they were in the past. Some changes to look out for include:

  • Easily irritable
  • Increased sensitivity or defensiveness
  • Loss of interest in things they used to enjoy
  • A decline in communication or quality of communication
  • Apathy
  • Persistent pessimism
  • Speaking or moving more slowly than usual

These drastic changes in their personality are indications that your loved one might need assistance in managing their depression.

What Exactly Is Emotional Dysregulation?

People who have depression often have difficulty managing their emotions. They might seem like they are easily frustrated by things or quick to react with anger at minor inconveniences. Some might feel like they are stuck in the negative emotions they have, like sadness or anger. Their feelings might even prevent them from achieving their desired goals and outcomes. This is often a big contributor to “personality changes” seen in those managing depression.

why is understanding the signs of depression important

How Low Sex Drive and Changes in Weight Can Be Indicators of Depression

Having a low sex drive is a common experience, and it fluctuates naturally. For some people, the presence of a low sex drive is not necessarily a sign that they have depression. However, if your partner has previously been interested in sexual activities and now has seemed not to want sex for an extended time, it could be a sign of depression or another physical or mental health condition.

In addition to this, how depression impacts a person’s appetite and weight varies from person to person and comes in two types. The first one is that someone loses their appetite while experiencing depression. They will often begin to lose weight because they feel less likely to eat or no longer find pleasure in it. The second type that someone might find themselves relating to is that they have an increased appetite. This often results in individuals eating more and gaining weight as a result.

Why Does Depression Cause Increased Fatigue and Sleep Concerns?

Like changes in appetite and weight, sleep concerns in depression can often appear as two types: sleeping too much or not sleeping at all. These concerns result in someone feeling tired and may worsen their motivation to do anything during the day. A lack of sleep during the night can exhaust a person’s body, making their attention, concentration, and desire to do simple tasks more difficult.

On the other hand, sleeping too much can also indicate that someone has depression. This is because it often is a way for the person to escape from the other symptoms they are experiencing. However, when they wake up, they might find they have increased feelings of anxiety, low levels of energy, or memory concerns.

If You See This Sign, Don’t Downplay It – Suicidal Thoughts or Actions

Suicidal thoughts or actions are common for people who have depression. They might feel like they are at the lowest point in their lives, and there are many reasons why someone might consider it. If your loved one is having these thoughts, it is a mental health crisis, and they should attend a 24/7 crisis care center as soon as possible. 

Not everyone with these thoughts or actions will have warning signs, as they can occur suddenly. With that said, there are some signs to remember that might be an indication. These include:

  • Making things like a will
  • Giving away meaningful possessions
  • Purchasing weapons or other methods of potential suicide
  • Self-harm
  • Dangerous behaviors without considering consequences
  • Talking about suicide
  • Talking about feeling like a burden
  • Talking about feeling trapped
  • Withdrawing from loved ones
  • Saying goodbye to loved ones

What to Do if You Notice Depression Signs in a Loved One

If you notice any of the abovementioned signs of depression in someone you love, don’t be afraid to reach out to them. Approach them compassionately, be willing to listen, and do not make judgments. Depression can make your loved one feel guilty and like they are to blame for everything. This condition is often isolating for those with it, and reaching out to them and reminding them that you care about them is beneficial in their recovery process.

Offer your loved one help. Depression makes it difficult for people to accomplish even the simplest of tasks, so being willing to take on larger tasks like picking up their groceries or driving them to an appointment makes a considerable difference in their lives. When you offer them help, it makes their life feel less stressful and overwhelming. You can also help them create an easily obtainable schedule to keep up with. Don’t add too many things to the schedule. Let them know it is okay if they don’t accomplish everything that day.

Alongside the schedule, encourage your loved one to maintain their self-care. You can even suggest doing self-care activities, such as exercise and eating regular meals with them. These help them know they are not alone and are beneficial in keeping depression symptoms under control.

Know that there is only so much you can do to help your loved one, and for some people, depression treatment is the best way for them to find recovery. During treatment, your loved one will be exposed to compassionate professionals who will provide the necessary tools through a combination of medications and therapy, enabling them to find healing.

recognizing when someone has a hopeless outlook

Help for Depression Is Available in Georgetown, DE

Your loved one might be resistant to attending treatment. Maybe the person you care about believes it won’t help them, or their symptoms are not severe enough to warrant therapy. Our online depression survey, while not an official diagnosing tool, helps many people discover if attending depression treatment is right for them.

At SUN Behavioral Health Delaware, we solve unmet needs in adolescents and adults with depression in Georgetown. Our no-cost care assessments allow you and your doctor to work directly with us as we determine what level of care will provide you with the best opportunity for healing. For more information about our depression treatment or to get started today, contact us today at 302-604-5600.

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